Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: Is it Scary?
- A: We think so and The Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier’s Chameleon edition agreed, listing us as the SCARIEST HAUNT IN THE CEDAR VALLEY. Since our beginning, The Heart of Darkness has been designed to be a roller coaster of sheer terror from the moment you step into the Slaughter Cabin, till you run screaming out of Scream in the Dark. We combine classic scares and modern monsters. Come visit all the attractions at The Heart of Darkness and you be the judge!
- Q: If I chicken out, pee my pants, or cry like a baby, will I get my money back?
- A: You paid us to scare you and we did our jobs! So there are NO REFUNDS.
- Q: Do the Monsters intentionally touch me?
- A: Most nights no! However sometimes there is the occasional incident where a victim looked so tasty that the monsters did invite them for lunch. However, on blackout nights, a monster may touch their potential dinner.
- Q: Can I bring my children?
- A: There is no age limit to The Heart of Darkness, however, we do recommended children under the age of 12 attend another haunt because this one is designed to petrify full grown adults. No carrying children while in the haunt.
- Q: What do you do for the Cedar Valley?
- A: Since our beginning we have wanted to give back to the Cedar Valley. All proceeds made during the Kid’s Day event are donated to the SIDS Foundation. We have also entertained the children at the Boys and Girls Club, been in a number of parades, work with the UNI students to donated funds to Jim and Jerry’s Kids, and provide the Cedar Valley with a professional and safe place to get the pee scared out of them.
- Q: What is Halloween Traditions?
- A: We are a haunting consulting and design company presently operating the most advanced haunts in the Cedar Valley. For several years Halloween Traditions has advertised and cross-promoted with other local haunts in the area encouraging safety and fellowship in the haunted community.
- Q: What lurks in the darkness?
- A: Every creature that goes BUMP in the night. 9 separately themed areas make up the Heart of Darkness... DarkHold Castle, Haunted Playground, Slaughter Cabin, ScareCrows NightMare, Dead Walkers Cemetery, Clown Asylum, Scream in TheDark, Phantom School Bus, and Grizzles Chainsaw Massacre. Will you survive?
- Q: How long does it take to go through?
- A: The longest Haunted Tour in the Cedar Valley! The average walk through The Heart of Darkness is 30 minutes. Most haunted attractions have 10 minute tours or less. This doesn't include the time you spent with our live DJ: Black Tie Entertainment, or at the Missing Hole Minney donut vendor, or at the "Skinned Meat" Free Photo Booth, and let's not forget the Famous Creatures of the Dark: Chopper, PapaVoodoo, Johnny The Crow, and Crispy will be hanging with you while you wait in the new open linage. The Heart of Darkness offers the best in haunted entertainment from the moment you walk thru our gates until the moment you run out screaming for your life!
- Q: How can I be a sponsor?
- A: For information on a sponsorship and cross promotion, visit our sponsor packages page and thanks for your consideration.
- Q: Is this the haunt that appeared on an episode of Wife Swap?
- A: Yes, in the spring of 2009 the Schults family helped to bring the terror of The Heart of Darkness to all of America by being featured on a season finale of Wife Swap.