Coupons (HIDDEN)
Coupons are available at Casey's General Stores, Spirit Stores, Video Games ETC stores and Little Caesars in the Cedar Valley. We also accept our competitors coupons, up to $3!
Every Night
The Heart of Darkness is a party with the Monster Midway! Our Enter-By-Numbers waiting system ensures no one is stuck in long lines, instead you will enjoy your time waiting with our Monster Midway Creepers! Rock-out with our Live D.J. Russel 'Red Dragon', who takes your requests, holds contests and hands out gifts and prizes. Snap a photo of your friends with your phone at The Zombie Victim photo booth. Enjoy a killer light show. Get your favorite festival food at a great price. Check out the T-Shirts and Terrors shop. Rent the party booth and have a personalized Halloween Event or Birthday Party. Top all that off with guest appearances every Saturday night and you might forget that you will be entering the scariest haunt in the Cedar Valley!
Military/ Student I.D. Discount
Every Thursday and Friday
We support our Troops and help our future leaders by offing a $1.00 off discount at the door when you show your Military/Student I.D. Not valid with other offers.
October 17th, 1-3pm, $5
Proceeds benefit a charitable organization
Kids Day at the Heart of Darkness means the kiddies are welcome to costume up and trick-or-treat though the Heart of Darkness! The Lights will be on and all the monsters will be sleeping so the little ones can enjoy a fun time collecting candy. We provide the bags, candy, face painters, and Halloween Fun. Just bring your costumed kids and a $5.00 donation, every dime of which benefits a local non-profit. Happy Halloween!
Note: Only one coupon or discount valid per person. Coupons and discounts cannot be combined. No Discounts valid on Saturdays unless otherwise noted on coupon.
Social Media
Like us on Facebook and monitor our page for quizzes, contents, and other opportunities to win FREE TICKETS to The Heart of Darkness Haunted Attraction!